Accent reduction, also known as accent modification or accent neutralization, is a method of learning or adopting a new speech accent. It is the process of learning a language's sound system (or phonology) and melodic intonation such that a non-native speaker can communicate clearly. In rare situations, the student's goal may be to eradicate their accent.
"When will my accent become more American?"
This is the multi-million dollar question. You must understand that each speaker has a unique speech style and speed.
Accents are heard and reproduced differently by each person. It is vital to note that different people require varying lengths of time to change their accents and replicate the way native English speakers talk. It is obvious that there is no straightforward answer to this topic.
A few factors will influence the length of time it takes you to lose your accent.
Here are some things to think about:
1. The amount of time you devote to dedicated practice
Once you understand how sounds from your original language affect your foreign accent and how you can improve your American accent, you should acquire some tactics for making the most of your newfound knowledge.
You can use audiobooks, online lessons, or accent reduction sessions to put what you've learned into practice.
Once you've identified whatever practice approach is the most productive, you should plan your time accordingly.
When you establish a schedule, it will be much easier to study.
In most cases, a few weeks of daily practice can bring positive outcomes in a short amount of time (e.g. 3 or 4 weeks of daily practice).
We recommend that you practice using the proper techniques for 20 minutes a day, every day, to accustom your tongue and mouth to the unique sounds and rhythms of American English.
2. Your comprehension of what sounds and patterns you need to improve
It is difficult for speakers of practically any language to make certain sounds when speaking American English. Voiced and voiceless dental sounds (the th sound), consonant clusters, and pitch are other examples.
You will definitely have to alter your English pronunciation of these sounds depending on your original accent, but if you understand your errors, you may focus on these specific sounds and practice accordingly.
To cut a long story short, you must identify your difficulties because your original accent may have varying effects on your English speech.
3. Your Listening Capabilities
You must be able to discriminate between the sounds of your home language and the sounds of American English in order to develop your American English accent.
Contrary to popular belief, it is not simple.
When we were children, our capacity to distinguish a wide range of sounds was considerably stronger than it is today.
As we mature, our ability to speak our first language becomes less apparent since speaking our native language more frequently makes our native accent more prominent.
As a result, we must work harder each time to distinguish the different sounds of other languages.
More difficult, but not impossible. This skill can be regained by enhancing our listening abilities. In other words, before you can become a proficient speaker, you must first be a good listener.
To effectively hear the sounds and patterns, you must pay close attention when listening. You will have a better knowledge of the distinctions between your native language and the language of the United States.
If you practice often and pay attention while listening, you will be able to notice the distinctions much more easily.
4. Intonation, Rhythm, and Stress
Adult English learners who practiced macro subjects relevant to accent and pronunciation outperformed people who merely practiced vowels and consonants, according to Canadian researchers.
These macro issues include:
• Pitch
• Intonation
• Stress
• Rhythm
Because they are closely tied to the heart of your speech, having a firm grasp on these themes will allow you to communicate effectively in American English.
If you solely study vowel and consonant articulation, you may not see a major improvement in your speech, but by paying more attention to these macro ideas, you will notice a difference sooner than you imagined!
5. Your capacity to practice on a consistent basis and adhere to feedback

One of the most important aspects of accent removal is practice and feedback. You can do a lot on your own, but you also want guidance.
People who practice on a regular basis and devote themselves to learning frequently outperform those who merely attend accent removal courses. A coach can also assist people in improving their accents.
Working with an accent coach has numerous advantages. It is much more motivating to practice and improves when you understand that you have responsibilities to others and that you are not alone in this process. Having an accent coach provides accountability.
A course or coach that decreases an individual's accent will result in faster improvement because they will be more driven to learn and willing to practice every day.
Working with an accent reduction coach is a common way of learning English. Working with a professional accent coach may cost more than audiobooks or group sessions, but you'll get personalized criticism and results faster. It will also save you time and money in the long term.
After 6 months of practice, you will notice that you speak English differently, and you will see improvements in your voice clarity and accent reduction.
It takes at least several years to perfect the process of achieving American English accents, which demands patience and perseverance. It is not easy to acquire your new accent, but once you do, you will reap the benefits over time.
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